Monday, 3 October 2022

Planned 2023 Dive Trips

It's only less than 90 days to go before 2023 kicks in, and this is the time to start planning for 2023 dive season, and all the more because finally the boyfie decides to join me underwater.. 

Divemaster training aside, which I am still divided whether or not I should go for that in 2023, I have 3 diving trips in plan already, and looking out to add 1 more.. 

Looking back, I did 3 dive trips this year - all 3 to Tioman, so for 2023, it could also be 3 trips or 4.. 

We will be spending a week traversing the southern Thailand islands and will eventually end up New Year's day in Phuket and planned for day of diving out there.. 

After that, we will head up to Redang for a couple of days by the beach, and one cannot let go of the opportunity to go diving! 

It's Redang hellllloooooo~~

And lastly, he has also signed up for Open Water course which means I will be tagging along with him to Tioman to dive! And while he do his course, I will be away diving.. 

Why Tioman again? 

Because there's plenty of dive sites there, and as it goes, the more you dive the same spot, the better you'll become, especially if they decided to go Labas - definitely a good choice if you have been through and under those huge rocks!

Can never get bored of Tioman la... and because I am such a regular at B&J, I know what to tell new divers what to expect :)

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